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Our programs

Courts, civic agencies and communities
Equity Education
and Skills

Particularly for cities and agencies that heed the call to contribute to racial equity and social justice and build their own truly inclusive workplace. This series includes educational programs addressing race and structural racism, implicit bias, privilege and ally-ship and skill-building workshops about creating sustainable inclusion, creating fairness in hiring, and leading challenging conversations.

Procedural Justice for Courts and Civic Leaders

Procedural justice is vital for the courts, civic leaders, and others interested in public engagement, citizen compliance, and community trust. The four tenets of procedural justice, including promoting neutrality by reducing the impact of implicit bias, are discussed. This workshop also teaches strategies to implement this concept.

Implicit Bias for Law Enforcement

The course uses video, music and interactive exercises for participants to discover their own biases and to create strategies for de-biasing.

The training will answer these critical questions: 

  • What is implicit bias?

  • How do these biases affect police?

  • What are the proven strategies for reducing bias in law enforcement? 


“Fogbreak’s teaching style lends itself to a fully
engaged audience. I have been in policing twenty
years and never seen a group of officers as engaged as they were during this training... By the end of the trainingit was clear that we are all partners in working todeliver justice for all.”

— New Hampshire Police Chief

Equity Education and Skills for Businesses

For companies that are serious about racial equity and building inclusive work communities, this series includes educational programs addressing race and structural racism, implicit bias, privilege and ally-ship and skill-building workshops about creating sustainable inclusion, creating fairness in hiring, and leading challenging conversations.

Cultural Alignment: Mission, Vision, Values

Unearth the shared values of your company and discover how those are aligned with and drive the goals of the DEI work in the organization. Leaders and staff will work together in facilitated groups to develop stronger bonds with each other and to develop a greater connection to the importance of DEI work. Rather than leaders imposing a vision, these collaborative sessions encourage engagement and return a more passionate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Leadership for Inclusion

Leaders and rising leaders will participate in a half-day session about increasing fairness and equity in their offices and practices. The participants will learn the four pillars of equitable leadership: creating a vision, creating community, communicating, and leading with integrity. All of the topics will be taught through interactive exercises that engage the participants and provide skills for implementing the concepts in the workplace.

Coaching and consulting
One-on-one or small group consulting

We work with businesses, governments and organizations to provide services critical to creating equitable and inclusive workplaces. We offer both 1:1 leadership training and support or work with the teams responsible for building and improving equity within your organization. We can help develop DEI committees and task forces and provide on-going advice and support on DEI issues as they arise. We can also provide a comprehensive assessment of your company culture and practices in order to develop a comprehensive plan for moving forward. 

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“Fogbreak Justice led a half-day training for 100 attorneys and staff in our office. The training was informative, interesting, and interactive. Learning about bias and strategies for reducing bias is imperative for criminal justice professionals of all kinds.”

— Sonoma County Assistant District Attorney

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